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#WattsWhat: Menswear - the devil is in the detail

David Watts
24 March 2016

Beards, brows (mono), black (in bad fabric), brown shoes, bare ankles or, worse, bare legs... The Industry Editor at Large David Watts has a "b" in his bonnet when it comes to bad styling among men. Herewith his top 10 "don'ts".

  1. If you wear black then buy good quality fabrics - cheap black is depressing!
  2. White business shirts should never have a pocket or short sleeves.
  3. Pink, striped or novelty socks should not be worn with a formal suit - it's an affectation of being stylish or rebellious and in fact looks ridiculous!
  4. Never wear brown or tan shoes with a formal black, navy or grey suit. Italians can carry it off in Italy - no one else can!
  5. Shorts of any kind are for the beach or the gym and should never be worn in town.
  6. Shoe polish was created for a purpose and it is true that you can tell a lot about a man by his footwear.
  7. Not wearing socks with formal brogues or loafers is just wrong!
  8. Beardism - it's time for all those "new men" to get with the programme and shave it off.
  9. If the face of your wrist-watch is larger than the circumference of your wrist, then you need to seek professional help or get your eyes tested.
  10. Eyebrows - there are meant to be two!

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