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Mulberry appeals to our inner child with Christmas campaign

Lauretta Roberts
17 November 2016

Mulberry's new Christmas campaign reveals the typical joy and tension of families being reunited for the festive season but has given the theme an extra twist by casting children to play the main parts.

The British luxury brand drafted in writer Hugo Guinness (of Grand Budapest Hotel fame) to create It's What's On The Inside That Counts. The first episode has just been released and shows a typical upper class family all returning home for Christmas starring "a querulous mother, bickering sisters and a son with a secret".

It ends with one of the sister's wrapping up her Macaroon pink Mulberry Bayswater (the brand's flagship style that has recently been given a make-over by creative director Johnny Coco) and giving it to the other who had admired it.

Coca explained the reason for casting children in the campaign: "When I was a kid, all that I wanted to do was to be grown up so I could be like my dad. Now that I am an adult, I just want to be a kid again! Christmas brings out the kid in all of us, and this is what I love about using children to tell our story this year," he said.

A trailer for the campaign is now on Youtube and the ad can be seen in full on Mulberry's home page, along with editorial giving insights into the fictional family and behind the scenes access to the making of the film.

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