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London buses could be used to deliver e-commerce orders

Lauretta Roberts
13 November 2017

London buses could be used to deliver Amazon and other online shopping orders under plans under consideration by bus company Go Ahead.

According to The Times the bus company is in talks with logistics businesses about plans to convert some bus depots into parcel delivery hubs while empty buses could be used to deliver parcels.

Go Ahead is seeking ways to boost its revenues as bus passenger numbers fall and is looking to maximise the potential of it bus depots, which are not in use during the day.

The plans would not only help Go Ahead but are also aimed at reducing traffic on London's busy roads, which have become clogged with "white vans" delivering parcels to offices and homes. TfL has estimated that 30% to 60% of deliveries to offices in central London are now for personal use.

By having more "micro-depots" dotted around the capital and using buses, which are capable of carrying more parcels, the move could help reduce congestion and pollution.

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