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VISIT Awards 2025: Why 'People'?

Katie Ross
11 November 2024

When considering the beating heart of a thriving fashion industry, three Ps spring to mind: People, Planet & Purpose.

Since the success of any creative venture hinges upon healthy minds sharing varying viewpoints and perspectives, we believed that ‘People’ was an essential category for the awards.

There will be four awards presented within this first category, with three of these dedicated to Diversity & Inclusion. Entrants can enter as many categories as they wish.

Diversity & Inclusion: Social Media Marketing

For a brand or retailer whose marketing and/or social media platforms consistently demonstrate a commitment to diversity and positivity within their chosen market. This may be through inclusion of diverse ethnicities, body types, genders, sexualities or ages in their campaigns and/or through active partnerships with organisations that promote these values.

Diversity & Inclusion: Team

For a brand or retailer that can demonstrate a meaningful commitment to build teams from diverse backgrounds at all levels and in all areas of their business. Judges will be looking for businesses that are striving to achieve balance in the areas of ethnicity, sexuality, gender and age, and will also be looking for initiatives to support often marginalised groups, such as those with physical or mental challenges or ex-offenders, for example.

Diversity & Inclusion: Individual

For a brand or retailer that can demonstrate a meaningful commitment to build teams from diverse backgrounds at all levels and in all areas of their business. Judges will be looking for businesses that are striving to achieve balance in the areas of ethnicity, sexuality, gender and age, and will also be looking for initiatives to support often marginalised groups, such as disabled people or ex-offenders.

Training and Development Initiative

Investment in people is crucial, not only for an individual organisation but for the future of the fashion industry. This award will go to a business that proves it is committed to growing and developing teams at all levels of its organisation through formal and informal training and development initiatives.

Entries are open until 29 November. Shortlisted entries will receive a complimentary ticket for the Awards, hosted at a chic cocktail party at the Corinthia London hotel on 27 February 2025. There will be no cost involved after entry.

The only way to get your work in front of our esteemed panel, and to secure your place at our VIP ceremony, is to enter now.

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