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Stella McCartney calls on designers to sign PETA’s new Feather-Free Pledge

Tom Bottomley
01 July 2024

Stella McCartney is calling on designers internationally to sign PETA’s new Feather-Free Pledge and vow to never use feathers in their collections again, as she was the first to action with her eponymous luxury fashion house.

In a series of videos released on social media over the weekend, McCartney showed her brand’s millions of global followers the suffering that birds endure for feathers, as she leads the charge for true creativity in fashion by recreating the look, lightness, movement and insulation of feathers with vegan materials.

McCartney’s AW24 collection features BioPuff, a material made from bulrushes that contribute to the regeneration of wetlands in Cambridgeshire and help lower greenhouse gas emissions and boost biodiversity.

McCartney said: "Every year, the fashion industry plucks and kills millions of birds for their feathers, which is not only inhumane but also unnecessary.

"My AW24 collection shows the desirability and possibilities of cruelty-free alternatives that are kind to animals and ‘Mother Earth’. ​I hope it inspires you to join me and PETA in pledging to end the use of feathers in fashion and beyond."

PETA Vice President of Corporate Projects, Yvonne Taylor, added: "Suffering, violence and death are ubiquitous in the feather industry, which hacks sensitive birds to bits so that their plumage can be stuffed into jackets or sewn onto garments for decoration.

"PETA thanks Stella McCartney for leading the charge for a more conscious and compassionate fashion industry and calls on designers everywhere to follow her lead by cutting cruelty from their collections."

PETA notes that in addition to McCartney, many top designers – including Felder Felder, Eirinn Hayhow, Richard Malone, Patrick McDowell, VIN + OMI, Pīferi, Sarah Regensburger, and Joshua James Small – have already signed its Feather-Free Pledge, while many others are opting for luxurious faux feathers made from bamboo, recycled materials and metals.

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