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Sneak in Peace launches on-demand “Watch & Shop” Sneak TV

Tom Bottomley
29 July 2022

Luxury sneaker marketplace Sneak in Peace has launched a new “Watch & Shop” Sneak TV content model, which aims to capitalise on the popularity of video shopping now so prevalent in China, but still in its infancy in the West.

With the global sneaker industry booming, since its beta launch in 2021 luxury sneaker platform Sneak in Peace, founded by former Coggles CEO Mark Bage, has been “disrupting the global market” by focusing on the most exclusive end of the sector.

Sneak in Peace’s ever-growing catalogue includes original films from artists, musicians, designers, retailers and events, plus expertly curated branded content direct from the labels themselves, in a format more aligned with today’s social media experience than a traditional marketplace.

While traditional sneaker retailers and marketplaces still very much have their place, video shopping offers a number of advantages for the brands themselves. Being able to view marketing collateral simultaneously alongside shoppable product -without breaking the customer journey - is described as “a real breakthrough”.

Sneak in Peace Founder and Managing Director, Mark Bage, said: “We have created something unique. We bring a minimalist design aesthetic to the fashion marketplace arena, and for the first time collect top-tier products from some of the most sought-after brands on the planet.”

The new Sneak in Peace platform is “a uniquely scalable experience across all devices”, with the option to watch in portrait and landscape while still being able to explore sneakers associated with the film.

The Sneak in Peace website, an in-house project from Bage’s content agency Not Studio, whose clients include Harrods, Tiffany & Co. and Byredo, offers close to 10,000 sneakers from over 500 brands, including Adidas x Stella McCartney, Avery Projects, Balmain, Chloé, Jordan, The Row and New Balance.

Read our interview with Sneak in Peace founder and managing director Mark Bage here.

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