New technology allows shopping centres to monitor capacity levels
Capital & Regional has launched a new technology partnership with Sensormatic Solutions, for its ShopperTrak solution to monitor and help control individual centre occupancy levels in real time.
The ability to monitor occupancy levels are a priority for all retail landlords as government lockdown measures are gradually eased.
Using its own management software together with ShopperTrak traffic insights technology, the pilot project is being implemented in six of Capital & Regional’s UK shopping centres.
Centre teams will be able to track peak and non-peak trading times and compare it to historical data, informing Capital & Regional’s green-amber-red ‘Traffic Light System’ already being used in each centre to maintain clear and consistent communication with its communities about the safest times to shop.
The partnership applies real-time occupancy data which has become an essential function as a result of COVID-19. Capital & Regional’s centre teams can then accurately assess and control guest flows, as well as improve discussions with its retailer customers regarding centre occupancy trends.
In an industry first, Capital & Regional has worked with the ShopperTrak team to extend the capabilities of the technology by putting IT infrastructure in place so that its general managers receive real-time SMS alerts as the centre nears maximum capacity, and again once the centre has reached maximum capacity.
Sara Jennings, Director of Guest and Customer Experience, Capital & Regional said: "We are so pleased to be able to welcome back retail customers and guests, and realise that there is continual work to be done and diligence required to ensure everyone returning to our centres feels as safe as possible.
"A core part of this is ensuring that our centre teams have the tools and infrastructure to effectively manage occupancy levels, which is why we have worked with ShopperTrak to develop a software that notifies general managers in real-time, as and when centres reach capacity.
"We are aware of how quickly circumstances can change, and with this new addition to our centre-management function we are able to remain agile and continue to adapt our operations quickly to create safe places for our communities.”