Mango publishes a list of its Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers
Mango has published a list of its Tier 2 factories and also released an updated version of its Tier 1 factory list, continuing to advance its commitment towards transparency.
The brand published an inaugural list of its Tier 1 suppliers in 2020, becoming the first major company in the Spanish fashion sector to do this.
It has now updated this list and for the first time added Tier 2 factories, which are related to production processes. By 2022 the brand aims to also publish its Tier 3 supplier list, which relate to raw materials.
The current list includes information on the declared factories Mango produced in during 2021, fulfilling the requirements of the Transparency Pledge Standard, an initiative launched by a coalition of nine employment and human rights organisations committed to transparency in the supply chains of the clothing and footwear industry.
The publication of list is part of a Bilateral Agreement signed between Mango and the CCOO Industry trade union in 2018, which aims to improve the rights of people who work in the manufacture of the firm’s products, and to promote responsibility in global supply chains within the fashion sector.
Boohoo Group made headlines this year when it published a list of 1,100 factories in order to meeting its transparency pledge to publish the information within twelve months following an independent review produced by Alison Levitt QC.