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Mango launches first capsule collection based on recycled fibres

Tom Shearsmith
28 April 2020

Mango has launched the first capsule collection based on the circular economy, featuring recycled fibres that match the quantity of garments collected in its stores through the Second Chances project.

These garments have a lower environmental impact and are made of 20% recycled fibres and 80% sustainable cotton.

In 2016 Mango launched the Second Chances project, through which it has collected over 32 tonnes of garments, through 420 containers distributed in all Mango stores in UK, Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Croatia, Netherlands and Italy.

The garments collected are classified in order to give them a second life and, depending on their condition, can be converted into yarn, recycled for alternative uses such as sofa stuffing, or burned in order to generate energy.

Mango continues to advance towards a more sustainable fashion and in the next few years aims to implement an ambitious plan that will fulfil one of its strategic policies - the sustainable transformation of the company.

The fashion multinational has established as one of its key aims to increase the proportion of sustainable fibres used in its collections and has therefore set itself the following targets:

  • to use 100% sustainable cotton in its garments by 2025.
  • to increase the use recycled polyester in its garments to 50% by 2025.
  • to use 100% controlled-origin cellulose fibres by 2030.

Mango is committed to continuing this initiative and each year will launch a collection featuring recycled fibres that matches the quantity of garments collected in its Second Chances containers, used for garment recycling, in order to promote good practices and a model of circular economy.

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