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In Pictures: Fenwick unveils Wind in the Willows Christmas window display

Tom Shearsmith
10 November 2020

Fenwick has unveiled its iconic Newcastle stores Christmas Window display - themed around the classic story book Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham.

For the first time ever, there were no large crowds outside the store on Northumberland Street when the curtain was lifted to reveal this year's theme, with the event being live-streamed on Facebook to avoid any flouting of lockdown restrictions.

The event normally attracts a crowd of approximately 2,000 people - but this year virtually attracted 250,000 from around the world.

Kieran McBride, Manager of Fenwick Newcastle, commented: “Fenwick has created a magic window for Christmas every year here in Newcastle for nearly fifty years. This year, it was really important that we were able to reveal the Christmas window in a safe way.

“We would like to give special thanks to Newcastle City Council, with whom we have worked closely to ensure we continue to bring the joy of Fenwick’s birthday to society and beyond this year.

“We ask everyone to follow the latest instructions and not take a private trip to view the window while the current instructions remain in place. The window will be in place throughout the holiday season and into January, so there is plenty of time for people to see it safely in the coming weeks.”

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