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Diane von Furstenberg becomes the latest designer to drop fur

Lauretta Roberts
03 October 2018

New York-based designer Diane von Furstenberg has become the latest designer to announce a ban on fur in her collections.

The decision was revealed today by the brand's CEO Sandra Campos who said it was “time for us to make this change and accept responsibility to ensure that we don’t promote killing animals for the sake of fashion".

"We are committed to supporting the shift to a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry by providing the consumer with innovative and sophisticated alternatives," Campos added.

Campos said the bad on fur would be implemented from January 2019 and would also include a ban on all exotic skins and mohair. The designer had announced a ban on mohair earlier this year.

Diane von Furstenberg herself added: “I am so excited that technology has provided us a way to feel as glamorous with faux fur." Her decision was welcomed by The Humane Society International which has been campaigning, to great effect, to encourage fashion designers to drop fur.

"Our fur-free campaign team at the Humane Society of the United States worked with Ms. Von Furstenberg on this decision. Last year, we had the opportunity to sit down with her in New York City, and it took her only moments to decide that she was done with fur. By interesting coincidence, the luxury brand received its new line of faux fur coats the morning of the meeting," said Kitty Block, acting CEO and president of the Humane Society of the United States.

Von Furstenberg joins a growing list of high profile designers and brands to ditch real fur including Michael Kors, Gucci, Versace, Tom Ford, John Galliano, Burberry, Furla and Jimmy Choo. For this first time in its history London Fashion Week was completely fur-free last month as all on-schedule designers voluntarily opted not to show fur.

The move is a significant one in the anti-fur movement as von Furstenberg is not only one of the best-known designers in the world but she is also chair of the Council of Fashion Designers of America. “We support our Chairwoman Diane von Furstenberg and her decision to go fur-free,” CFDA President and CEO Steven Kolb said. “The CFDA will work with the brand to establish a roadmap that allows DVF to maximize ethical and sustainable practices.”

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